Alien theory is one of the greatest controversial theories ever created. The Alien theory greatly fascinates every people and it also laid the foundation of several TV shows like “Ancient Aliens” which shows the historical connection between humans and aliens, “UNSEALED ALIEN FILES” which proclaimed alien interactions with humans in the modern era. Many movies depict aliens as predators or villains with singularity concepts. But what laid the foundation for these ideas? Is there any fact that proves alien theory? This post shows 5 proofs shown by the ancient astronaut theorists to prove alien theory.

     Oxford university defines ‘Alien’ as a foreigner from another world. We are not yet 100% sure that we are the only living creatures in the entire Universe. There might be some creatures living in the other planets in other galaxies. We can see the sky but we can’t zoom in and see what’s in other planets or stars. Although the technology has evolved a lot, it is still unable to find what’s in the neighbor planet. The theory of aliens was very famous in 1900’s. At that period, many ancient astronaut theorists and several other archaeologists were able to decode some ancient relics and found some species who were dissimilar from the actual human being. Although few calls them as their imagination of Gods, yet it cannot be blindly accepted. Given below are few of the facts which were used by ancient astronauts to prove their Alien theory. 

Grey Alien model
Grey Alien species

     Undefined Flying Object (UFO), as the name signifies, is a flying vehicle which is not invented or manufactured by any human beings. In July 7 1947, during an American summer period, an experienced pilot witnessed that he saw a flying soccer while he was operating the plane. That object travelled at a speed of 2000 kmph (kilometers per hour) according to his confession. It was not just him who witnessed this rare incident. At that period, more than thousands of Americans said they’ve also seen the flying object which flew at the speed apart of man’s imagination. American air force announced that it was a fake news. But they were also little bit curious about UFO’s. So, they sent some spies to Russia to identify whether these space ships were sent by them. But they came to know that they haven’t sent that and there are no relations between Russia and any space ships. And so, they named this as ‘Undefined Flying Object’ since no one know about these soccer’s origin and its users or creators. Since then, there are numerous records for UFO sightings in several part of the planet.  

UFO or Flying saucer
U.F.O or flying saucer

     A message reached the ears of Indian archaeologists about a place with dense forest, mountains and caves in the state of Chhattisgarh, located in India, where there is a group of tribes who worship stone carvings as their Gods. The archaeologists were curious to see the stone carvings and paintings. They were astonished to see the paintings as they were the painting of aliens. They also came to know that these paintings must be drawn before 10000 years. What is the reason of drawing an image of an alien in these stones? Here is the answer. The archeologists asked the tribes about the reason of worshiping that painting. The tribes replied that that the persons in the paintings are the “Men of sky”. They came here and taught the basics of survival in this planet, like, what to eat, what shouldn’t be eaten etc. and helped them a lot. They also had a belief that, if any one raised their voice against them, they will carry him one with them. So many people were benefitted from their teachings and thus they had a fearful respect on them.

Painting with alien portrait
Charama Painting

Even in ancient Egyptian mythology, there are several facts which relate Alien theories. In the paintings, several non-human images can be found. Several kings and queens are portrayed in the paintings with elongated heads which is quite unusual. Also, the things they worshiped include “Flying Disk” etc. were clearly engraved in paintings and several other extraterrestrial creatures’ images can be seen even inside the pyramids. These things clearly support the alien theory. 

     Area 51 is an Airport and some believe that there are secret facilities under the airport. It is located in Nevada, United States. No one except the employees are allowed inside the campus. The employees are from different parts of USA. And they were transported to their work place with a special flight ‘Janett’. There are three famous theories regarding ‘Area 51’. First one claims that this place is related to a nuclear bomb testing mission. Second theory states that, this is a place where some powerful and ultra-sonic flights are developed. And finally, here is the most interesting theory, the theory of ‘Alien’. Some people around the surroundings of ‘Area 51’ have witnessed that they have seen some unusual flying object around the Area 51. The incident which supported the theory comes way back from 1997. In 1997, Coast to coast radio channel conducted a telecommunication show. In that show, a man responded and called the Radio Channel people and said that he was an ex-employee of Area 51. As everyone were eagerly listening to him. he proceeded to say that there is a massive secret mission going on in the Area 51 which no one can imagine. But within a second. the radio channel crashed. And after gaining re-connectivity, the man disappeared from the call. Still it was stated as a mysterious call which can ever occur. From that incident, the talks about Area 51 became much familiar and the alien theory goes hand in hand with them.

Warning board in Area 51
Warning board at Area 51

Nazca lines are located approximately at a distance of 450kms to the south of Peru’s capital of Lima. These lines were not known to public until 1939. They were discovered by a Peruvian archaeologist in 1926 yet were known to the world only after the era of air planes. Nazca lines are a group of geoglyphs, made in the desert approximately in 100 B.C. The geoglyphs include straight lines, geometrical shapes, shapes of birds, insects, and animals etc. More than 1500 lines were discovered here and it is one of the tourist sites in the country of Peru and it is considered as one of the World Heritage Sites by UNESCO.

Spider Nazca lines
Nazca lines - Spider

    But the main mystery behind the Nazca lines is, why people considered to engrave an image which can be only clearly seen from the sky level or aerial view. These images which are clear only from the aerial view suggests that they were drawn to send a message or to perform rituals to someone who is above them. There were also remains of sea creatures like oyster’s shell, crab shell etc. nearby the Nazca lines which suggest that these places were also once consisted of altars where sacrifices were made by the tribes. But the real reason is still a mystery.

Hummingbird Nazca lines
Nazca lines - Hummingbird

It is much different than any other topics in this post. Direct interaction is one of the most convincing evidences for believing any theories. Several humans have testified that they have seen aliens or they were abducted by the aliens. But no other proof can be shown by them to prove their testament. But a lady known by the name, Baba Vanga has proved her interaction with some power whose origin is not of this earth, with her prophesies.

Prophet Baba Vanga
Baba Vanga
One of her famous prophesies is the destruction of the Twin Tower (9/11 incident) in the United States. It is believed that the unknown source has given her such power to predict the future. 

Recently, on 19th June 2020, a UFO enthusiast has pointed out few images taken on the Mars planet by NASA’s rover CURIOSITY which shows an image of an Alien warrior like carving on the red planet.

As a human, we should not blindly believe or accept the facts without any proof or evidences. But we still cannot ignore them as there is a probability which shows they are true. Yet a clear evidence is not available for everyone to wholeheartedly accept them. Yet, all these facts still keep the “Theory of Aliens” alive.    


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