"How the first human came into existence?" It is indeed one of the most difficult questions with many complicated answers. Humanity has been trying for a longer time to solve this mystery. But still the exact answer is not yet found. Religious leaders of various religions put forth the “GOD” theory. But several scientists from various demographic locations at various periods have developed several theories for the formation of the First human. This post consists of a brief explanation on two such theories. 

  • Cosmic Egg Theory
  • Darwin’s Evolution Theory
Human step by step evolution from monkeys

Ancient Egyptians had much interest in several technological fields, arts, architecture and literature. The Ancient Egyptians had nearly about 5 theories on the formation of human beings and the Earth. Most of the theories point out directly at various Egyptian Gods. But a single theory was slightly unique from them. That’s the Cosmic egg theory. 
It was described that the Cosmic egg was laid by a goose on the top of the earth’s surface on a mountain. Then, the egg hatched to give the Egyptian Sun God Ra. It was also said that the bird which laid the cosmic egg was not goose but an Ibis. Ibis is the sacred bird of Ancient Egypt which is considered as a representation of Egyptian God Thoth. It was believed that they created the 8 Egyptian gods and the rest of the world.
This theory was also stated by ancient Greeks, ancient Tibetians and several other civilizations but with slight moderations. Some civilizations state that the shell of the cosmic egg as the sky and the remaining part as the earth and life in them. 
This theory was based on a simple theory of the Bird’s life cycle. It is believed that the ancient civilizations might have been inspired from those as they were the only unique way of birth apart from human birth.
But the downfall of this theory started when people began to start asking questions, that is from the Renaissance or the Great awakening period. This theory does not have any proof and thus failed to prove its case. Even though it failed, it was in the minds of people for several centuries for both the formation of human and the formation of earth.    

Everyone in this 21st century will sure be familiar with the theory formulated by Charles Darwin, that deals with evolution of human beings. Charles Darwin was an English naturalist who travelled to many parts of the world around 1830’s with his ship HMS Beagle. He also done many researches about the species. In 1859 he published a book titled “the origin of species” on the book he shared the concept “theory of evolution”. This was one of the most recognized theories around the world. He declared that the first Human beings were evolved from the Chimpanzees with the evidences of fossils collected from various historical eras which stresses on the fact of gradual development of human beings across various historical ages.
Charles Darwin was strong in the term “natural selection” that means every living organism were evolved by the common and single ancestor. His answer about how single ancestor produced large variety of organism is that the ancestor does not produce a complete variety immediately, instead the advanced characteristics of a particular organism is transferred to another organism slowly to become a completely different organism. This is termed as “Survival of the fittest”, this means when the advanced characteristics of a particular species was transferred to form a new creature, the physical appearance and the behavioural changes adopts to the environmental changes. 
Darwin saw a bird in one island and saw the same bird species in another island with some changes. He strongly believed that the bird’s changes were happened due to environmental changes but their ancestors are common. This is called as micro evolution. The evolution occurs very slowly and becomes an advanced one after millions of years.
Charles Darwin was not the first one to formulate the theory many naturalists and zoologists spoke about this theory before, but his theory became familiar because he written the theory with so many examples. He was clear that reproducing capability and survival of the fittest plays a major role in evolution to next generation. 

In this theory Darwin said the species will evolve, but failed to answer the question how it evolves. He did not speak about genetical changes in species or something which causes evolution. This theory has enough examples, but failed to prove the theory with strong evidence. Many of them claims that this theory was copied from other naturalists. Some says that the concept is clear and there is nothing significant in this theory.

Several scientists and naturalists are still working to find out what resulted in the existence of human beings in this earth. But all that we can be sure of is “Genetic traits”. Our characters will be transmitted to our future generations through genes. So, all we have to do, is to acquire good characters in our life and transmit them to future generations so that this world will be a better place to live in. 
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  1. Nice Joyal... Remembered by school days Science 'survival of the fittest' powerful words which fits at all circumstances or situations..

  2. The Cosmic Egg theory is really interesting, and slightly random, haha! Thanks for sharing!

    Tash // A Girl with a View

  3. This is such an interesting post; and really fascinating to read about! I have learnt so much about Charles Darwin over the years - all our teachers were fascinated with him.

    Paige // Paige Eades

  4. Very interesting.

  5. This was so interesting to read! I didn’t know these.

  6. I am always interested to learn about how we came to be today. I've seen some cool historical pieces that dated to the BC era, where are was barely carved from stone to today where we have paint and everything super accessible. The Cosmic Egg theory is pretty interesting. Pretty cool how it is interpreted by the Ancient Egyptians. The Charles Darwin theory is interesting too, but I agree. That doesn't explain why some chimps stay as chimps. Thanks for sharing all of this!

    Nancy ✨


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